I’ve been in a complete funk lately, y’all and it’s
frustrating as all get out.
This move we made a few months back really through me for a
loop and I feel like I’ve been upside down ever since. Off-kilter is probably a
more accurate way to say that nothing seems to be right.
Maybe it’s the fact that I know we’re living in limbo until
next summer. Maybe it’s because most of our personal belongings are still in
storage a few thousand miles away. And
maybe it has something to do with the fact that after months of pounding the
pavement I am still out of work.
I’m sure it’s a combination of all of it however I don’t like
this feeling of being unsettled and not making progress. I like knowing where
I’m going and plotting out how to get from point A to B. (absolutely drives The Hubs crazy! Poor guy!)
Nonetheless while I’ve been living in la-la limbo land, I’ve
spent time evaluating my next step in life. You see, my life right now is one
big upheaval in so many areas. Which on the one hand is completely mind
boggling and on the other it’s rather freeing as it is giving me time to give
careful consideration on what I’d like my next step to be. To do a little day-dreaming if you will.
Enter my Vision Board. Now some of you may know them as dream
boards but whatever you call them, they’re simply a fun way to take the items
off of your bucket list and put them on a board so you can constantly be
reminded of the things you’d like to do/see/accomplish in your life.
Here’s mine.
You’ll notice it’s a bit crazy looking at the moment and
that’s because I’m in the cutting, clipping and organizing stage. I’ve broken
the board into areas of personal health goals (like running a 5k and kayaking),
professional goals (entering writing contests and finishing my book) as well as
relationship goals with my family and friends.
You’ll also notice that I’ve got a handful of encouraging quotes,
pictures of my mentors and bible verses tucked in to remind me that God is with
me every step of the way.
I’m loving this HUGE reminder of what I can be working on
while I wait for other areas of my life to change, like the job situation. The
Vision Board is a constant reminder that there’s more to do, to enjoy and to
develop as I progress through life and it’s not about simply waiting for that
phone to ring. I can be productive in other areas of my life and accomplish other
goals as I’m looking for work and talking with The Hubs about our goals for
next summer.
Ya know what I love about this board so far? It’s working.
Simply taking the time to define new goals, cut and clip out pictures has given
me the courage to join a women’s running club which starts after the New Year.
I’m excited but I’m also a bit scared, sports have never been my thing and
frankly I have a very unsavory image of me running which I liken to a cat with
socks on…horrible form and feet flying every which way…oh heaven help me!
Taking this first step towards a new goal has done wonders.
I’m not so solely focused on why the phone isn’t ringing with prospective
employers and it’s a gentle reminder to stay on track in other areas of my life
like my writing.
So far, so good! Now, as they say, it’s back to the “drawing”
Vision Board so I can finish this and post it above my desk.
How about you? Have you ever created a Vision or Dream Board?
What were your results? I’d love to hear from you!
Until then,
Blessings and Best Wishes for a safe, healthy, prosperous and
most adventurous 2016!

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